Moose Wrapping Paper Ok, Still In A Weird Mood, So Here's Another Poll For You. Do You Prefer:?

Ok, still in a weird mood, so here's another poll for you. do you prefer:? - moose wrapping paper

Sheep or goats?
pea pod or people?
Idolatry curiosity or curious?
Moose chocolate bunny caramel butter?
Tarzan of the Apes, or George of the Jungle?
mark the end or wax paper?
The Wombats or muskrat?


ღblackca... said...

Idolatry curious
Toffee rabbit
George of the Jungle
Waxed paper

Randomch... said...

Sheep or goats?

Goats ...

pea pod or people?

pod people? ... Do not know

Idolatry curiosity or curious?


Moose chocolate bunny caramel butter?

Chocolate Moose!

Tarzan of the Apes, or George of the Jungle?

George of the Jungle

mark the end or wax paper?

Hmm ... Wax paper?

The Wombats or muskrat?

The Wombats = D

ausblue said...

Cabras 1)
Pea 2)
3) Curiosity
Tarzan 4) of the Apes
5) Wax paper
6) The Wombats:)

catersqu... said...

Sheep or goats? Sheep

pea pod or people? Pea

Idolatry curiosity or curious? Idle Curiosity

Moose chocolate bunny caramel butter? Chocolate Moose

Tarzan of the Apes, or George of the Jungle? George of the Jungle

mark the end or wax paper? Waxed paper

The Wombats or muskrat? Wombats

catersqu... said...

Sheep or goats? Sheep

pea pod or people? Pea

Idolatry curiosity or curious? Idle Curiosity

Moose chocolate bunny caramel butter? Chocolate Moose

Tarzan of the Apes, or George of the Jungle? George of the Jungle

mark the end or wax paper? Waxed paper

The Wombats or muskrat? Wombats

catersqu... said...

Sheep or goats? Sheep

pea pod or people? Pea

Idolatry curiosity or curious? Idle Curiosity

Moose chocolate bunny caramel butter? Chocolate Moose

Tarzan of the Apes, or George of the Jungle? George of the Jungle

mark the end or wax paper? Waxed paper

The Wombats or muskrat? Wombats

askkate2... said...

Now go to bed

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